60 Second Escapes: Aruba, The Carnival Parade

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Everyone loves a parade, or so the saying goes, but some people seem to enjoy it a whole lot more than others, including the people of Aruba, known as one happy island, during Carnival season.

I was lucky enough to be able to watch the Carnival parade in 2014, hosted by a group of locals who made the parade viewing one very memorable party for this tourist.

You have to be willing to endure a long day in the heat, but the colorful personalities parading by will certainly entertain.  In my world, this is one of those must-do events at some point in your life.  You have to see it in person to truly appreciate the fun, but until you can get there, enjoy this 60 Second Escape into their vibrant celebration.

Is there a place you’ve visited that throws a better party?

Carnival headdress

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